A Sampling of My Writing

The AtlanticHumans Are Bad at Predicting Futures That Don’t Benefit Them | One reason people are so bad at predicting the future. 

The AtlanticWhy Does America Have Fewer Types of IUDs Than Other Countries? | The land of choice has limited options when it comes to contraception.

San Francisco Chronicle | Prescription for Chronically Apathetic Millennials: Vote | I joined a group of filmmakers to educate my generation about this legal, long-lasting, and adequately self-serving treatment.

The New York Times | Why You Can’t Really Trust Negative Online Reviews | Research suggests that people heed negative reviews more than positive ones—despite their questionable credibility.

New York MagazineWhy You Feel Richer or Poorer Than You Really Are | The science of subjective wealth.

VICEWhat Happens to Your Brain When You Stop Believing in God | I wasn't the only kid who stopped believing.

VICEThe Science of How Poverty Harms the Brain | The stress of poverty can change the brain in ways that further disadvantage the poor.

VICE | Your Brain Can be Tricked Into Thinking an Experience Is Meaningful | We search for it in art, relationships, religion—but meaning is actually made inside of our brains.

VICE | Loneliness Is Making Our Political Situation Worse | These days, "we're craving each other more” while simultaneously hating each other more.

ForbesWhy Millennials Are Lonely | Loneliness is contagious.

ForbesHow Multitasking Is Changing Our Brains | Are we devolving?

Psychology TodayWhy Millennials Need Quarter-Life Crises | A simple question falls from the sky: 'Is this it?' 

The Huffington Post | The Alarming Statistics on Millennials With Guns | 37.5 percent of all homicide offenders from 1980-2008 were between ages 18-24.